Can a change in occupancy affect the efficiency of an automatic sprinkler system?
December 23, 2024
by Nils Deacon, Manager, Inspections and Rating Services
When a building’s occupancy changes, there can be significant impacts on the ability of the automatic sprinkler system to control a fire. When a sprinkler system is installed, either in a new building or retrofitted to an existing one, a key element in design is the type of intended or present occupancy.
This is very important for insurance underwriting. A carrier could write building coverage that included credit for an automatic sprinkler system. A system designed for an office or school would require significantly less water and pressure than a warehouse or manufacturing facility.
A fire that could occur in an occupancy with a light fire load, like an office, could be controlled by the system designed for that occupancy. However, if the occupancy changed to a warehouse, the fire load could overwhelm the same system and result in a total loss.
At the least, it could mean lost premium dollars. At the worst, a significant or total loss that was not anticipated by the sprinkler grading and insurance premium for an office.
This shows the importance of up-to-date inspections and sprinkler gradings of individual properties.
DISCLAIMER: This information reflects the interpretation of MSO, Inc. with regard to NFPA Standards and Codes and other code sources. It does not represent these codes’ official position on the items discussed.
Sprinklered warehouse occupancy