Why are monitored valve closure alarms important for automatic sprinkler systems?
November 10, 2021
by Nils Deacon, Manager, Inspections and Rating Services
Automatic fire sprinkler systems are one of the most effective elements in protecting people and property from the disaster of structural fires. According to the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association), when sprinkler systems fail, it is most often because they have been turned off at the system control valve.
NFPA 13, the Standard for Installation of Sprinkler Systems, requires control valves be supervised. This can be by visual or electronic monitoring. Visual monitoring would include weekly inspections of sealed valves and monthly for chained valves.
The most effective course is electronic supervision by a central station monitoring service or fire department.
DISCLAIMER: This information reflects the interpretation of MSO, Inc. with regard to NFPA Standards and Codes. It does not represent NFPA’s official position on the items discussed.