Why is it valuable to understand the impact of NFPA standards and codes?
December 13, 2023
by Nils Deacon, Manager, Inspections and Rating Services
The insurance inspector did not see the required fire extinguisher in the busy restaurant kitchen. Employees did not know where it was located. After moving boxes and mops, it was found on the floor with no service tag, covered with grease.
The resulting loss control recommendation was:
This is a very common recommendation generated by a loss control inspection. NFPA 10 calls for fire extinguishers to be installed with the top no more than five feet above the floor and with the bottom at least four inches above the floor. It should display an inspection tag from a qualified fire extinguisher contractor, with a punch date of inspection within the year. The contractor will know the correct installation. It is in NFPA 10, The Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers.
The value of having a functioning, easily accessible fire extinguisher can make the difference between a minimal fire incident or a serious property and casualty loss.
Proper placement and servicing for that type of extinguisher had been discussed and finalized by various experts in the field of fire protection, and specifically fire extinguishers as part of the periodic revision of NFPA Standards and Codes.
DISCLAIMER: This information reflects the interpretation of MSO, Inc. with regard to NFPA Standards and Codes. It does not represent NFPA’s official position on the items discussed.
Improperly maintained and placed fire extinguisher.